Disney Store App Reviews

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Fix It Felix Bug

This app has been unusable for weeks due to this issue. Ive tried deleting and re-downloading. Disney needs to get this figured out.

Please fix it

This app used to work but stopped working. Ive deleted it and re downloaded it. It gives me the Fix it Felix screen and wont do anythin.

Stopped Working??

I used to LOVE this app! but as of recently it wont even open! Every time I click on the app it opens up a picture of fix-it Felix and says it is being fixed. Disney PLEASE fix the app already!!

App Does Not Work

App doesnt work. Whenever you search for an item all you get it Fix it Felix. No products come up. Dont bother downloading the app.


This app used to be awesome but now it never works. Cant even open it. It is just the fix it Felix picture all the time.

Fix It Felix!

I have been using this app for years with minimal issues. For the past few weeks, however, I am constantly face-to-face with Felix telling me he is fixing this app. Sometimes the app will allow me to navigate a few pages in before it quits responding. Its extremely irritating. Shouldnt the problem be resolved by now?

Fix-It Felix

The app wont work anymore. Whenever I try to search anything or go to any tab, the Fix-It Felix error message pops up. Its really annoying and makes the convenience of shopping on mobile completely pointless.


Nothing like a multi-billion dollar company losing revenue day after day because their customers cannot get the store app to run. App crashes after launch, every time. Get your Disney stuff on eBay or Amazon. Their app works.

Fix-it-Felix is on vacation

I really like the overall app, but the issues with it refreshing the page after looking at an item and going back to the top of the list is frustrating. Then Fix-it-Felix seems to have been on vacation or something, because the message saying that hes fixing it is waaaayyyy overdue!! Come on Disney, someone from tech support is reading these reviews Im sure. Please fix it soon!!

App out of commission

Since 4/7 update I have been unable to use! Fix it Felix shows up and says there is a problem before products load. Help! Im a frequent shopper and loved the app.

Current version gets 0 stars

Okay so its been about 4 weeks now where the app just doesnt work. I deleted it and added it again, still no fix. Im a frequent shopper and likes to use the app to check new arrivals. The only screen I get is the guy with the hammer saying "I can fix it" Disney - why is this not fixed yet? So not like you.

Doesnt work

I dont know why Im forced to download an app that is broken all the time.

Very poor, wont open

Whats the point of having an app that you cant even open? If "fix it Felix" is suppose to be fixing it, his not doing very well!!!

It’s Working Again!

Thank you! Now I can feed my Tsum Tsum addiction again using Apple Pay!

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